Isaac is 10 months old today! He is such a happy little guy. We are really having a lot of fun with him. We've been spending a lot of time outdoors lately. He loves to play outside in the backyard and he especially loves playing in the water, so we go to the pool a lot too. He is crawling around faster than ever and discovering new things to get into. He has even learned how to crawl through the dog door to chase after Cracker! He likes to play with balls. He throws them and then crawls after them. Another one of his favorite games is to choose a toy - or the remote, or one of the wooden ducks in the living room, or any other random object he picks up - and push it all around the house like a car. (Except he doesn't want to push around any of his cars, just things without wheels.) He is super ticklish and has the funniest little laugh. It is really easy to get a laugh or a smile out of him. He loves hanging upside down, and everytime you try to bring him back up he arches his back to go back down again. He is always up for playing and wrestling with mom & dad.
Isaac is still a super sleeper. We had a few rough weeks after coming back from Hawaii, but now he is back to his old routine and sleeping 12 hours a night. He is usually in bed by 8:30 and sleeps in until 8:30 the next morning! I know I am very lucky. We tried doing just one nap a day for awhile, but lately he has gone back to two again.
He has been learning how to drink from a sippy cup and has been doing much better with it lately. I still have to hold him in my lap and help him tip it back far enough, but he likes to hold the cup himself. He has a little trouble sitting still very long though, so sometimes it is a struggle to get him to drink very much. He would rather shake the sippy cup in the air, bang it against my chest, or just wiggle around and crawl out of my lap. He loves eating food though and cannot seem to get enough! No matter how much I feed him he always wants more. His favorite thing is the baby goldfish crackers. He also loves to sample anything that we are eating. When he sees our food he opens his mouth, waves his hands around, and starts making his bird call noises. It is pretty funny. The problem is, once we start giving him bites there is no stopping! He gets very impatient waiting for more.
Isaac has seven teeth and one more on the way. His hair is still a little out of control. We are debating whether we should trim it a little bit or wait until his first birthday. Even a trim won't get it to lay flat though! He is super tan from spending so much time at the beach and the pool, and his hair is totally blonde now.
Isaac is constantly babbling and making noise. We think he just likes to hear himself. But in the last week or so, he has developed a bad habit. He loves to scream. And it's not just any scream, this is a high pitched ear splitting shreek! It is no good. We used to be able to go out to dinner or to the mall with no problem, but lately he is just too loud. He is not necessarily mad, he just wants to make noise. And it is quite the noise! If anyone has any tips on how to keep a baby who doesn't quite understand "no" yet to stop the screaming in public, please let us know!
It is so fun to watch this little guy grow and learn new things. He is such a joy to have around. We love our little man!