Isaac has never liked riding in the car very much. Charlie wanted to go ahead and turn him around a few months ago but I refused. I was probably a little dangerous driving around with one arm behind my head trying to hand Isaac toys and pacifiers to keep him quiet, but I still insisted that he face backward until a year. And then two weeks ago I gave up. It was the drive to Palm Springs that helped make up my mind. I planned for Isaac to take his nap on the drive, and sure enough he was sound asleep within just a few minutes after we left. But just 20 minutes into the drive Cracker barfed all over my leg and we had to stop and clean up. That woke Isaac up and the rest of the drive was awful. He was overly tired and did not want to be in that carseat. After awhile all of my usual tricks stopped working and there was nothing I could do to stop the screaming. That felt like a very long drive! So before we headed home, I told Charlie to go ahead and turn that seat around. It has been completely worth it!
He is still no angel in the car, but he is much much better. Of course that might also have something to do with the "Toddler Tunes" CDs we bought at Target recently. See, one of my car tricks that Charlie didn't know about until this Palm Springs trip, is that I sometimes sing to Isaac and it quiets him down. I sing all of the songs from our swim class this summer. And after Charlie had to endure my singing as we drove through the desert, he suggested that maybe we should buy Isaac some music instead. What, is my singing that bad? (I'm pretty sure that it is.)
Some people say that you are supposed to wait until your baby's first birthday to cut their hair. We were trying to hold out. Even through all the crazy hair days...
But it was just getting too long and looking really messy. Charlie said he'd rather cut Isaac's hair himself that take him to one of those kid salons, so I bought us a pair of barber shears and Charlie snipped off Isaac's cute little baby hair. It turned alright... if you don't look at his right side. I am still in favor of the kid salon for next time.
Finally, all the books and websites and doctors tell you it is best if you can breastfeed for a full year. I never thought I would make it that long, but I ended up doing it much longer than I ever planned. I'll admit I was a little hesitant to give it up, but it was also partly because I couldn't get Isaac to take a bottle! And he wasn't too good with the sippy cup either. Finally, about a month ago I found just the right sippy cup for Isaac. Now he is a pro! Within a few weeks I had him completely weaned. And I think we are both enjoying this new arrangement.
Now just a few more days until the Big #1!!!
Isn't it crazy that he is turning one already? I bought Elly the same birthday hat (in pink) that says "I'm one!" I thought it was so cute! He looks so grown up with his big boy hair cut!
He's one already :((((? Where has the time gone?
He is one of the cutest babies! You need to have more kids because they are so darn cute!! :D
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