Wednesday, March 26, 2008

7 Months Old

Isaac turned 7 months old this week! I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Here are some recent pictures of him and what he's been up to lately.

The weather has been warm and beautiful here for the past few weeks. Last weekend we took Isaac swimming for the first time. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about the pool at first. When we put him in the water he made his mad grunting noise, but after awhile he warmed up to it and had fun.

Isaac has his two bottom teeth. You can see them in this picture:

We bought him a high chair, but he doesn't like sitting in it very long unless he is getting something to eat. He started off good with the rice cereal, but eventually he started gagging when I fed it to him. Now we've moved on to some fruits and vegetables. He seems to really love the applesauce. Oh, and he wants to feed himself. I always have to use two spoons. One for him to hold, and one for me to hold.

Here he is on Easter Sunday in his cute new outfit. He still doesn't sit on his own very well. I think it is because he is too impatient to hold still.

We bought him this new exersaucer thing to play in. I needed somewhere to put him where he couldn't get away! He likes bouncing up and down in it. He also likes the little piano it comes with. It's his first noise making toy. Lucky us!

Isaac loves playing with Dad. Cracker gets a little jealous, but Isaac thinks that's funny too.

Isaac loves to be down on the floor rolling around. You can put a million toys in front of him, but he usually wants to play with the non-toy. We can't turn our heads for one second or he is on the other side of the room getting into something. In this case: the laundry!

But he does more than just roll now. Isaac is up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth! He should be taking off crawling any day now.


Mikael said...

he is SOOOO cute!!! I am so jelous you get to go to the pool. I want hot weather. Isaac looks adorable, I can't wait to see him crawl.

Shannon said...

Happy 7 months Issac. He sure is growing up fast. Love the pictures, he is such a smiley little guy.

Andrew, Amy, Evelyn& Owen said...

Carrie he is almost crawling!! Oh my gosh that will be a whole new adventure! Evelyn is trying, but not quite up on all fours yet....definitely rolling all over the place though. I love your blog! I'm going to add little Isaac to my list!

Anonymous said...

He's HUGE!

S+S said...

I want to come smooch your son! He's adorably chuncky and rolly and handsome! :D

That exersaucer looks awesome!

Life for the Pillings said...

He is such a cute little boy!!! He is one of those babies you just want to pick up and squeeze. Looks like he is going to have the crawling thing down soon - watch out :0)! Can you please send that warm weather our way?!! He is adorable!