Thursday, July 17, 2008

Me & My Buddies

Isaac is lucky to have lots of other little boys his age at church. On Sundays when he is being a little too loud to sit in class, he gets to go out and crawl around the halls with his friends. It is really funny to watch them all chase each other around.

This is Isaac's friend Hudson. Hudson is just a few weeks older than Isaac and it is fun watching them interact.
Here they are playing together earlier this week. They both wanted the same "toy" - the Gerber Puffs canister, of course. They were actually pretty good at sharing. Or at least neither of them got mad when the other grabbed it away. It was funny to watch.

Isaac's other good friend is Daniel. Daniel is only a few days younger than Isaac. Here are some pictures of the two of them playing out in our yard a few weeks ago.

I think as the boys get older they will enjoy playing together more and more. But for right now, I am just lucky to have some good mom friends to hang out with!

And of course, this post would not be complete without a picture of Isaac & his best buddy Cracker.


Mikael said...

I can't wait to put out a kiddie pool for Makenzie and the twins next summer, they will love it! I love the shark tent, it is funny.

S+S said...

I love the shark tent!