Friday, August 1, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Today was our last day of Isaac's swimming lessons. We took a two week "Mommy & Me" class. Isaac's little friend, Hudson was in our class too.

Mostly we just splashed and sang songs. The boys were supposed to learn to blow bubbles, kick and do "big arms" but Isaac didn't really understand any of that. I think the class was mostly just to get the kids comfortable in the water. And Isaac loves the water! He is our little fish. He can't get enough of splashing and kicking. He doesn't mind one bit going under the water, and during our lessons I even let him go for a few seconds at a time. I don't think you can really teach an 11 month old to actually swim, but when Isaac is in the water he kicks his arms and legs so much that you'd think if you let go of him he'd just swim away!

And even though Isaac gets slathered with sunscreen everyday, he's still managed to get a pretty good tan!


Andrew, Amy, Evelyn& Owen said...

Carrie that looks like so much fun! Elly loves the water too. If I didn't work I would definitely be doing this. Can you believe our babies will be a year old this month!?!? (Ps. your arms look buff!!)

S+S said...

I love the white little bum. He's hair seems to be getting bloder too!